What Happened to Johnny Gosch

On September 5, 1982, Johnny Gosch was abducted while doing his Sunday morning paper route, for the Des Moines Register. This day began a 23 year search for Johnny, and the truth. Johnny’s abduction was not by chance. Evidence indicates Johnny’s picture was shown to several people the night before, as the child they would abduct in the morning

In 1989, Paul Bonacci provided his attorney, John DeCamp, with information indicating he had participated in the abduction of a Des Moines, Iowa paper boy. This paper boy was Johnny Gosch. Bonacci’s testimony provided a great deal of information about Johnny and his case, however local authorities refuse to interview him, questioning his credibility.

According to numerous reports by Paul Bonacci, Michael LaVey (son of Anton LaVey), and Johnny Gosch himself, Johnny was taken by a highly organized, very corporate global pedophile/pornography ring. Evidence links this same porno/pedophile ring to the 80’s ‘congressional call boy scandal’, money laundering, drug running, illegal arms deals and more.

Like so many others, before and since, Johnny was subjected to severe trauma and torture of a satanic and sexual nature, in order to intentionally destroy the conscious personality…. brainwashing. This intentional application of trauma is a systematic procedure used to control these victims, in order to use them in sexual slavery, pornography and more.In February 1999, in Federal Court testimony in Omaha Nebraska, Noreen Gosch testified that Johnny Gosch came to see her in 1997, providing information about his experience, asking for his mother’s help and pleading for her to not reveal his visit.

Johnny is now 54 years old. After years of suffering tremendous torture and pain at the hands of his captors, being used and abused, he and several others escaped. They have been living in hiding under new identities… they fear for their lives. People ask … why is it necessary for someone to hide and live this way…. It is simple, Johnny can identify many of the people involved and would be a threat to the very people who took him. He is known as the “chameleon”. Why? Because he can so completely change his appearance. He would like to be a part of his family once again, but it isn’t safe.

The people who take these children also do a thorough job of brainwashing. Telling these young children that if they try to resume any kind of life with their families…. they will be killed. It is enough of a threat and fear to these young people …. that they do not try to contact their families. Johnny took a chance to come and see his mother for a very short time.

He wanted to give her information in the hope she could bring it out to the public. Information about this network of pedophiles and how they operate. He is very angry about what has happened to him and the years with his family which have been taken from him. Who could blame any of these young people for being angry at the system.

A number of the other victims who Noreen has had the opportunity to know… have given her a lot of information about Johnny and the times they were with him. She was told he would try to calm some of the others when they would be upset and afraid. That would be so like him due to the kind nature he had as a little boy.

The sadness and pain which is felt by Johnny, and for Johnny by his family, is something difficult to describe to others who have not experienced it. People who take children…. Pedophiles are the most dangerous predators on our planet. It is Johnny’s hope that one day he can walk as a free man…. free to see his family again without threat of harm to himself and others

About The Author

Noreen Gosch and her 42 year fight for Justice and Protection for Johnny
and MANY other missing children... fight for Justice and Protection

On September 5, 1982, Noreen’s son Johnny was delivering his Des Moines Register Sunday edition paper, when two men approached him. He was thrown into a vehicle and was kidnapped.

To find her son, Noreen has fought a long hard battle, and with the help of many others, has helped make the world a safer place for children…. unfortunately, the battle is far from over! Noreen founded “THE JOHNNY GOSCH FOUNDATION”, a month after the kidnapping and developed a program called “IN DEFENSE OF CHILDREN”. She has presented more than seven hundred speeches all over the United States, reaching thousands of people. She wrote the “JOHNNY GOSCH BILL”, which was passed into law in Iowa on July 1, 1984. A year later, Missouri as well as seven other states adopted the bill and passed it into law. This law, which is still called “THE JOHNNY GOSCH LAW”, provides the immediate involvement of police when a child is missing, instead of the previous 72-hour policy of waiting.

The past twenty three years have been dedicated to trying to locate Johnny, but also to make the world safer for other children. During her programs, she shares the “PROFILE OF A PEDOPHILE”, which enables many parents to be more aware of who may be in contact with their child and how to detect abnormal behavior. In many communities, following her program, arrests have been made due to the “new awareness of the informed public”.
Her work has led her to Washington D.C. in August 1984, to testify at the “ORGANIZED CRIME SENATE HEARINGS”, with Senator Specter. During hearings she shared the information gathered by her and private investigators as to the type of kidnappers that took her son and the relationship to organized crime. By going public with this information, she began to receive many death threats. These threats have continued throughout this investigation.
Noreen testified before the Justice Department, the result of which was the agreement of the Justice Department to make available the first $10,000,000 to establish the “NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN” in Arlington, Virginia. Noreen was invited by President Regan to the White House for the opening and dedication of the National Center.

The State Department arranged for her to do a documentary on “AMERICA’S MISSING CHLDREN” for the country of Japan. This was shown throughout Japan and other countries over and over. Many Americans living in those countries took the time to either write or call Noreen and her family, as they were so moved by the tragic loss of her son.

HBO also produced documentary called “MISSING”, which included the story about Johnny and three other children who were missing, some were found dead and the others are still missing. That documentary was released in 1983 and has shown on HBO many times throughout the years.

Noreen has made 50 Network TV appearances and has written articles for USA Today a number of times. A number of other publications also feature Johnny’s story. Please watch for upcoming appearances or schedule a seminar in your area.

Noreen continues to work with her State Legislature and the Governor of Iowa, and remains involved on the Federal level. Great progress has been made in the United States, since the kidnapping of her son. It is due to the efforts of not only Noreen, but countless other parents, who are still working so very hard to locate their children and bring to justice the people responsible.

One of the greatest accomplishments is to see the second “NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN” being founded in Lee Wood, Kansas by Sgt. Craig Hill, who will be the director; the opening is scheduled for the Spring of this year. This is an example of the progress, which has been made over the past fifteen years.
In 1989, Paul Bonacci confessed to his attorney, his part in the kidnapping of her son. In later meetings with this young man, Noreen learned that her son was taken into a “ritual abuse/mind control program called the Monarch Program”. The children taken were used for pornography, prostitution and various other forms of abuse and control.

Johnny himself came to see his mother in March 1997. At this time he confirmed all that Paul Bonacci had told her of the case and asked for her helping bringing justice. He shared the names of people who were responsible. Finally after all these many years, Noreen knows the “WHO, HOW AND WHY” of her son’s kidnapping. She vowed to her son she would do something about this and set about in a plan to bring the entire story out. It took a few months to organize this and develop a plan, which would be successful. She realized that she must keep her promise to her son and not reveal that he had been to her home. He had begged her not to share that unless it was absolutely necessary.

She was able to keep it confidential until March of 1999, when she appeared in court to testify for Paul Bonacci, who had been vindicated by a Federal Court order and allowed to file a Civil Rights Suit against the man who abused him. Noreen, while on the witness stand was asked by John DeCamp, Paul Bonacci’s attorney, “if she had ever seen or talked to her son in all the years he had been missing”, being under oath at the time, she had to answer with the truth. This of course led to a huge onslaught of press coverage. Some people believed her and others made vicious attacks upon her character, calling her everything from a liar to being crazy. The faithful who know her and followed this story knew differently. This led to another appearance on Inside Edition and other network TV shows.

At the present time, there are TWO ONE HOUR TV SPECIALS which have been filmed and aired in 1999. They both depict the 18-year journey of Noreen’s search for her son. To date, Noreen has done many radio interviews as well as the network TV shows listed above. The national media has followed this case through the years and have continued to bring updates to the public as they occur.

Latest News

Unveiling “Why Johnny Can’t Come Home”: Exploring the Heart-Wrenching Narrative

The anticipation surrounding the much-awaited book launch of “Why Johnny Can’t Come Home” is palpable, and rightfully so. Authored by the acclaimed writer, Sarah Thompson, this poignant narrative delves into the intricate web of complexities surrounding the plight of missing children. Set against the backdrop of a small town grappling with the disappearance of a beloved child, Thompson’s narrative promises to be a stirring exploration of loss, hope, and the resilience of the human spirit.

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Noreen has released a book called  “Why Johnny Can’t Come Home” which became available in November 2000.

*Updated Version Release: First Week of April 2024*

Noreen’s continued goal is to bring out the truth on Johnny’s kidnapping and is prepared to do what ever is necessary, including radio and television shows, magazine and newspaper interviews.

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